Course curriculum

    1. Demystifying opioids introduction

    2. Disclosures

    3. Workshop Op Journaling

    1. 6 reasons why opioids are a poor choice for chronic pain (Op1 - Reflections)

    2. 6 reasons why opioids are a poor choice for chronic pain (Op1 - Video 18')

    3. 6 reasons why opioids are a poor choice for chronic pain (Op1 - Recap)

    4. Consequences of Opioids in Children (Op2 - Reflections)

    5. Consequences of Opioids in Children (Op2 - Video 8')

    6. Consequences of Opioids in Children (Op2 - Recap)

    7. Opioids, Useful or Useless? Safe or Unsafe? (Op3 - Reflections)

    8. Opioids: The Addiction Specialist View (Op3a - Video 9')

    9. Opioids: The Pain Specialist View (Op3b - Video 16')

    10. Opioids, Useful or Useless? Safe or Unsafe? (Op3 - Recap)

    11. Buprenorphine and Methadone (Op4 - Reflections)

    12. Buprenorphine and Methadone (Op4 - Video 11')

    13. Buprenorphine and Methadone (Op4 - Recap)

    14. The 'No further opioids' talk (Op5 - Reflections)

    15. The 'No further opioids' talk (Op5 - Video 3')

    16. The 'No further opioids' talk (Op5 - Recap)

    1. Quiz Opioids Workshop

    1. Opioids Workshop Hands-on Instructions

    2. Opioids Workshop Hands-on Flash Cards

    3. Additional Patient Communication Resources

    1. The Pain-Informed Practitioner (PTT7 - Reflections)

    2. The Pain-Informed Practitioner (PTT7 - Video 12')

    3. The Pain-Informed Practitioner (PTT7 - Recap)

    4. Pain-informed team management of chronic pain major co-morbidities (PTT8 - Reflections)

    5. Pain-informed team management of chronic pain major co-morbidities (PTT8 - Video 10')

    6. Pain-informed team management of chronic pain major co-morbidities (PTT8 - Recap)

    7. The pain-informed PT patient interview and exam: looking for openness to the biobehavioral framework (PTT9 - reflections)

    8. The pain-informed PT patient interview and exam: looking for openness to the biobehavioral framework (PTT9 - Video 6')

    9. The pain-informed PT patient interview and exam: looking for openness to the biobehavioral framework (PTT9 - Recap)

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content